Fairborn Observatory Books
The Fairborn Observatory was directly involved with the planning, writing, editing, and publication of nineteen books between 1981 and 1997. These books, taken as a whole, were very influential in the computerization of astronomical observations, now ubiquitous. The 1985 book, Microcomputer Control of Telescopes, is widely recognized as being instrumental in launching computerized telescopes.

These were, primarily, years before the Internet was a vehicle for widespread communications, and conference proceedings published as books were essential vehicles of communications. Many of these books, in the days before printing on demand (not to mention eBooks) were published as “split runs” where the Macmillan Science Book Club paid for the press run of several thousand books, taking half of the books for their club, while the Fairborn Press provided the other half to conference attendees and interested astronomers around the world.
Telescope Control. Editors: Mark Trueblood and Russell Genet. Willmann-Bell.
Advances in Robotic Telescopes. Editors: Michael Seeds and John Richard. Fairborn Press.
Robotic Observatories: A Handbook of Remote-Access Personal-Computer Astronomy. Editors: Russell Genetand Donald Hayes. Fairborn Press.
Remote Access Automatic Telescopes. Editors: Donald Hayes and Russell Genet. Fairborn Press.
The Photoelectric Handbook Volume II. Editor: David Genet. Fairborn Press.
Automatic Small Telescopes. Editors: Donald Hayes and Russell Genet. Fairborn Press.
Photoelectric Photometry of Variable Stars: A Practical Guide for the Smaller Observatory (Second, revised, and expanded edition). Editors: Douglas Hall and Russell Genet. Willmann-Bell.
The Photoelectric Photometry Handbook. Editors: David Genet, Russell Genet, and Karen Genet. Fairborn Press.
Supernova 1987A: Astronomy’s Explosive Enigma. Russell Genet, Donald Hayes, Douglas Hall, and David Genet.Fairborn Press.
New Generation Small Telescopes. Editors: Donald Hayes, David Genet, and Russell Genet.
Automatic Photoelectric Telescopes. Editors: Douglas Hall, Russell Genet, and Betty Thurston.Fairborn Press.

Microcomputer Control of Telescopes. Editors: Mark Trueblood and Russell Genet. Willmann-Bell.
Microcomputers in Astronomy II. Editors: Russell Genet and Karen Genet. Fairborn Press.
Advances in Photoelectric Photometry Volume 2. Editors: Robert Wolpert and Russell Genet. Fairborn
Microcomputers in Astronomy. Editor: Russell Genet. Fairborn Press.
Solar System Photometry Handbook. Editor: Russell Genet. Willmann-Bell.
Advances in Photoelectric Photometry Volume 1. Editors: Robert Wolpert and Russell Genet. Fairborn
Real-Time Control With the TRS-80. Editors: Russell Genet, Howard W. Sams.
Photoelectric Photometry of Variable Stars: A Practical Guide for the Smaller Observatory. Editors: Douglas Hall and Russell Genet, IAPPP Press.